Shirley Temple

Sing Along Snacks: At The Codfish Ball

It's never too early or too late for a snack, so crank up that volume on your computer.

It's time for the Boston Seafood Show again (now called Seafood Expo North America). Shirley Temple sends us off in style with At the Codfish Ball.

See you there! This year we're moderating a panel on Sunday from 3:30 - 5 pm: Putting the “Food” back in Seafood – lessons learned from sustainable food systems, featuring Michael Dimin, Founder of Sea to Table, Louisa Kasdon, CEO & Founder of Let’s Talk About Food, and Joshua Brau, Director of Food With Integrity Program at Chipotle. Bring your questions.

"Come along and follow me
To the bottom of the sea
We'll join in the Jamboree
At the Codfish ball

Lobsters dancing in a row
Shuffle off to Buffalo
Jelly fish sway to and fro
At the Codfish ball

Finn-an-haddie leads the eel
Thought an Irish reel
The Catfish is a dancing man
But he can't can-can like a sardine can"

Friday Faves No. 96

our favorite finds from the front lines of food

American chinese food.png

Need more milk from your cows? Dig out all your old weepy break-up music. “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M. Inspires Dairy Cows to Produce More Milk A University of Leicester study proves that slow tunes make cows produce up to 3% more milk. (First We Feast via Culture)

Stick it to The Man and eat the whole apple. Why throw away $13.2 billion? "The core is a product of society, man"  (Atlantic)

This past week we lost a great performer of songs about food when Shirley Temple Black died. We've added Animal Crackers in My Soup and On the Good Ship Lollypop to our Sing Along Snacks collection. In addition to her singing and dancing, millions of children have grown up with her namesake cocktail. You can make one at home. It's just ginger ale, grenadine and a maraschino cherry — parasols are optional.

Shanghai Warms Up To A New Cuisine: Chinese Food, American-Style Said one Chinese patron when trying a fortune cookie: 'Hmmm. This is like glutinous rice....It also tastes like a street-side pancake. I've never been to America, so I'm not quite clear about this thing.' Another thing at Fortune Cookie that intrigues people here are the white cardboard takeout boxes with wire handles and red pagodas on the side. Ubiquitous in America, they are known to Chinese only through scenes in Hollywood movies. When the restaurant staff saw them for the first time, they were so excited, they took photos." (NPR)

Sing Along Snacks: On The Good Ship Lollipop

It's never too early or too late for a snack, so crank up that volume on your computer.

Shirley Temple Black, who died this week at the age of 85, sings one of her most memorable hits, On the Good Ship Lollipop.

Happy Valentine's Day, which, as we all know, is really a holiday about chocolate.

"On the good ship / Lollipop
Its a sweet trip / To the candy shop
Where bon-bon's play,
On the sunny beach Of peppermint bay
Lemonade stands / Everywhere
Crackerjack bands / Fill the air,
And there you are / Happy landings on a chocolate bar."

Sing Along Snacks: Animal Crackers in My Soup

It's never too early or too late for a snack, so crank up that volume on your computer.

Legendary child star Shirley Temple Black died on February 10, at the age of 85. Some of her most memorable movie songs (and our favorites) were about food, like Animal Crackers in My Soup.

"Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh oh gee but I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one"